Friday, February 21, 2014

The Beginning

I have always toyed with the idea that I would or could be a writer someday.  I have even written a draft of a children's book.  But the other day, I received the proof that I was indeed meant to write.  I completed one of those Facebook surveys that tells you what career you should have and guess what?  You got it...writer ;) I thought about whether to just jump right in or introduce myself for my first post.  I decided to go with the latter just as Jimmy Fallon did on his first night of hosting The Tonight Show which ended up being pretty awesome.

My hope is that I will be able entertain you a bit and perhaps provide a creative or useful tip or two.  I am not an expert on probably anything, but I love to give things a go.  And a go I gave to my stairs:

It was another snow day on Tuesday, so what better pastime than painting in the house?!  I had been thinking about this idea for a while.  It certainly was not my own.  The first time I saw painted stairs was a Novogratz design:


I adore their style in general, but these I fell in love with.  That was quite a few years ago.  On Tuesday morning, I rifled through all of our arts and crafts supplies searching for stencils.  I finally found some number ones, though at first they seemed too small.  But I didn't care!  I was determined to have numbers on my stairs!  I pulled out some leftover chalkboard paint, a small brush and got started.  I found the chalkboard paint I had was too drippy, so I switched to acrylic paint.  They are by no means perfect, and by that I mean a little sloppy, but from a foot or so away, you can't really tell:)


I emailed my victory to both my mom and husband.  I got the following replies:

Husband: Umm reason for putting #s on our steps? lol

Mom: for kids?

I think the reason is that they make me smile.  The kids do love them of course.  So maybe that's what I'll stick to...Yes, mom, it's for the kids.

Now, does anybody know where I can land me a time machine?  I took another online survey that told me I should be living in the 50's :) 

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