Monday, March 10, 2014


Oh knobs.  What a difference a few knobs can make.  A few weeks ago, I refinished this console dresser.  My mother had given it to me a couple of years ago.  It was actually from Anthropologie, but after some time I no longer liked the dark, papered finish.  I have been searching for a before with no luck.  Well, here is the after.  I used Baked Brie from Behr latex paint in a semi-gloss finish.  I rolled and painted the paint on.  I did not put a finish on it, although I love Minwax Finishing Paste which I did use on the dresser below.  To finish it off I found these cute pulls from Pier One.  They were only about $4 a piece.

I had also repainted another dresser which we have in our bedroom.  Unfortunately, it is also functioning as a tv stand.  I would get rid of the tv, but I can't live without a bit of HGTV at night before bed:)  I had spray painted the previous knobs with Oil Rubbed Bronze spray paint and they looked good, but did not fit the dresser.  They were very loose.  I decided to go back to Pier One and take a looksee.  There in a clearance basket sat some lovely knobs for under $2 each!  I picked these:

I left the first knobs on the dresser thinking they would look good together, but as I looked and looked, I realized the dresser will look better with uniform pulls.I will be going back for two more.  

Don't the the dark blue and white look so lovely with the turquoise?  I think so:)

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Adding a pop of color`

I was discontent with my living room:

Don't get me wrong, I was thrilled to have finally gotten a new rug which I love even though it is still shedding quite a bit. It's just that the living room really felt like it was missing something.  With all the different shades of white going on there, I felt it really needed some color.  I went to the internet for inspiration:
Decorating Ideas: 12 White Rooms with Pops of Color in interior design  Category
Decorating Ideas: 12 White Rooms with Pops of Color in interior design  Category

After viewing these lovely rooms that felt finished with just a few pops of color, I decided it was time to make something of my own pop.  I found the perfect candidate.  I found this bamboo magazine holder at Goodwill a few months ago.  I had debated whether or not to paint it back then and had decided I liked the natural look. 
However, as time passed it started to look a little sad and I knew just what it needed:

You may be wondering how I came up with this color?  It was quite simple, it was the only bright paint I had on hand and I felt like getting it done then and there.  Which is, by the way, how most of my diy design choices come about:)  It turns out that I was really drawn to the pink pops of color I was seeing, so it really was a great coincidence.

I brought the magazine holder to the basement and sprayed the first coat.  It looked like this:
I got a little nervous because it wasn't looking as I had imagined in my head.  Also, it was a very bad idea to spray paint inside.  The fumes quickly spread throughout the house.  
For next two coats, I took it outside.  Once it was dry, I brought it back in and tada!  Color.

Oh, I also changed the furniture around:)  I tend to do this once a month or so.  It's an inexpensive way to have a wonderful change.  I really like the new arrangement.  I do think I need another pop of pink in the room.  I have been thinking of adding a pouf.  Something like this:

Or this:

I'll let you know when I do!